In one of the liveliest contract debates in years, some Guild members are turning to mass communications to deliver their message. Many of us have seen flyers from one member advocating a “no” vote on the contract and e-mails from another member advocating a “yes” vote.

Both of those individuals are speaking for themselves, not for Guild leadership. For the record, the Executive Board and the Bargaining Committee both recommend a “yes” vote, although not enthusiastically. But as a democratic union, the Guild unequivocally supports the right of all of its members to voice their opinions on the issues facing our local.

To that end, we’d like to point you to the “comments” feature on this blog. If you would like to participate in the debate electronically, you can click on the “comments” link at the end of any blog entry and go from there. All we ask is that you stick to the issues; any personal attacks will be de-blogged.