Four Milwaukee Newspaper Guild members have stepped up to take on new responsibilities, replacing colleagues who have left our bargaining unit.

The Guild’s board has confirmed Mike Johnson as wage data coordinator and Amy Rodenburg as newsletter editor.

Johnson, a Waukesha Bureau reporter and steward, will be responsible for checking payroll information to ensure that everyone in our bargaining unit is being paid what the contract requires. This job was handled for many years by Bob Helbig in conjunction with his role as treasurer and his former roles as vice president and president, but with Helbig’s move into management as a deputy business editor, the board decided this important responsibility should be separate from the treasurer’s job. Johnson will join the vice presidents and steward leaders on the Grievance & Representation Committee.

Rodenburg, a night copy editor and steward, will be responsible for editing, design and production of Fifty-one as a key member of the Communications Committee. She replaces Reid Epstein, who resigned from the Waukesha Bureau to take a job at Newsday. Both Rodenburg and Johnson will complete terms that expire at the October board meeting, when the newly elected board decides whether to reappoint or replace appointed leaders.

Separately, the Grievance & Representation Committee has named Pat McIlheran and Dave Lee as our newest stewards. McIlheran, an editorial page columnist, will represent the Editorial Board, replacing editorial writer Dick Foster, who retired. Lee, an MKE copy editor, will represent the MKE staff, replacing MKE reporter Nikki Sweeney, who resigned to take a job at Marquette University. Both McIlheran and Lee will complete terms that expire Oct. 18, a month after the Sept. 18 annual meeting, when the newly appointed Grievance & Representation Committee decides whether to reappoint or replace stewards.