Mary-Liz Shaw will be the Milwaukee Newspaper Guild’s new second-in-command.

The local’s members elected Shaw, a Journal Sentinel feature writer, as 1st vice president, in charge of contract enforcement, for a one-year term starting Oct. 1. She succeeds metro reporter Meg Kissinger, who chose not to seek a third term. Shaw is a steward and a member of our Good & Welfare Committee.

Guild members also chose metro reporter Annysa Johnson as secretary. Johnson, a steward, succeeds metro reporter Erin Richards, who also decided not to run for a third term.

Also joining the board as at-large members are page designer Zeina Makky and copy editor John Schumacher. Makky chairs our Communications Committee, and both she and Schumacher are stewards. They succeed PolitiFact Wisconsin reporter Tom Kertscher, who chose not to run for a fourth term, and metro reporter Amy Hetzner, who left in the buyout.

Members re-elected sportswriter Tom Silverstein, to his second term as president; copy editor Karen Samelson, to her fourth full term as 2nd vice president, in charge of membership and mobilizing; deputy business editor Bob Helbig as treasurer, a job he has held for a record seven full terms and two partial terms in three stints over the past 20 years; and feature writer Jan Uebelherr as an at-large board member, for a fifth full non-consecutive term.

In other action at our annual meeting Tuesday, members:

  • Approved bylaws changes to formalize the Good & Welfare Committee as a standing committee; give the board the option of naming a human rights coordinator, instead of a Human Rights Committee; and eliminate the Organizing Committee as a standing committee, providing instead for the president to name a committee to help if an organizing drive starts.
  • Renewed the rebate provision that keeps our dues at 1% of pay.